“ILUMINAR 315W CMH Fixture benefits are readily seen to ensure your costs are swiftly recuperated. Headlining PAR spectrum tantamount the mighty, deeply penetrative energy of the sun. This is the ideal installation for all your cultivating applications and can be used as a stand-alone light or supplemental lighting. Case design dissipates heat quickly making it supremely cool running without the need for fans.
Full Fixture with Reflector, Lamp and Integrated Ballast
Compatible with ILUMINAR Touch Controller
Broad Spectrum Light, Plants Maximum Potential Reached
Operationally Efficient
Soft Start Technology
30,000 hours of Full Spectrum Use
RF Shielding”
Less heat = reduced cooling costs
Random Start Technology
Energy efficient
Compatible with ILUMINAR Touch Controller, ILUMINAR HASH Controller, PRIVA and Argus (0-10V Protocol)
Ignition Failure Protection
Uniform Light Distribution
Soft Start Technology
Low Frequency – Square Wave Technology